Tuesday 22 March 2016

What did we learn at the zoo?

  •  A human-being cannot touch the ground with their elbows without bending their knees. Orangutans can. (Mafile'o)

  • Orangutans are on the edge of extinction because their homes are being destroyed because palm oil trees are replacing their homes. (Waitaha)

  • There are only about 400 tigers left in this whole world (Christopher)

  •  Sumatran tigers are the smallest species of tigers (Gemini)

  • Animals are becoming extinct because of poachers. People who hunt, kill or sell animals for pleasure or money. (Meliana)                            

Our Zoo Trip - Endangered Animals

We are learning about Endangered Animals, so a trip to our beautiful zoo was another way of reinforcing what we're learning or have learnt in class.

Tuesday 15 March 2016

What my Family means to me?

My Family

What family means to me! Well the love of a family is the worlds greatest blessing and a family is like a tree. Our branches may grow in different directions but our roots remain as one.

It doesn't matter about blood, a family are people who you want in your life and loves you for who you are. Family means nobody is forgotten or gets left behind.

My family shows great loyalty against me and they mean the whole world to me. We might have our ups and downs but we will always be family. My family accepts me for who I am.

We show pride in our culture and history. Thanks to our ancestors.

There are five of us and I'm the middle child. My parents split when I was just 3 yrs old but they get along sometimes for our sake. My older siblings can be annoying, way to much, but I just let them be theirselves.

The last time my sisters and I including our brother have gone anywhere together, was in 2008. At home we just like to have space to ourselves.

Family is family. We might get fussy about each other going into our room and messing it up or even taking things from each other but we will always be together forever.

Malo Aupito.

Sela Fifita

Wednesday 2 March 2016

United we Stand - Divided we Fall

Welcome to Room 7's 2016 Blog. 
We are a class of 20 students from different, amazing cultures and are very eager to learn new things this year.
Feel free to follow our journey here, and have a blessed year.
Kia Monuina